Guidance for populating and consuming the Encounter profile for Consultations


The headings below list the elements of the Encounter profile and describes how to populate and consume them for Consultations.

Encounter elements


Data type: Id Optionality: Mandatory Cardinality: 1..1

The logical identifier of the Encounter profile.


Data type: uri Optionality: Mandatory Cardinality: 1..1

The Encounter profile URL.

Fixed value

Data type: Coding Optionality: Optional Cardinality: 0..*

The security label(s) applicable to the resource.

See FHIR resources for more details on how to populate the element.


Data type: Identifier Optionality: Mandatory Cardinality: 1..*

This MUST be populated with a globally unique and persistent identifier (that is, it doesn’t change between requests and therefore stored with the source data). This MUST be scoped by a provider specific namespace for the identifier.

There may be more than one identifier where data has been migrated across practices or provider systems and different provider specific identifiers have been assigned.

Where consuming systems are integrating data from this resource to their local system, they MUST also persist this identifier at the same time.


Data type: Code Optionality: Mandatory Cardinality: 1..1

Where the consultation record has been finalised on the provider system set to finished.

Where the consultation record has been saved onto the provider system in a draft (or equivalent) status, set to unknown.

Existing vocabulary is driven by use of Encounter for appointment style encounters rather than provision of consultation context. Hence, use the most appropriate value from limited set available.


Data type: CodeableConcept Optionality: Mandatory Cardinality: 1..1

Carries the consultation type as displayed by the system. This may be a SNOMED CT code or free text.


Data type: Reference(Patient) Optionality: Mandatory Cardinality: 1..1

Reference to Patient profile representing the patient against whom the source consultation/encounter was recorded.


Data type: BackboneElement Optionality: Mandatory Cardinality: 1..*

This MUST be populated with the Reference(Practitioner) of the person that recorded the consultation on the system with participant.type value of REC, recorder, from the vocabulary.

Where there are additional participants, will always be populated with at least one participant.individual Reference(Practitioner) with participant.type value of PPRF from the vocabulary. This should reference a Practitioner profile representing the individual with primary attribution for the consultation/encounter (usually the single primary attributed user shown in system journals or other views).

Other participants, such as registrars, trainees or other parties present, may be referenced but with a participation type of PART.

No other values of participation type should be used.


Data type: Period Optionality: Required Cardinality: 0..1

If recorded, period.start is mandatory and should be populated with the date and time the consultation started.

period.end should be populated where the encounter end date and time is known or calculated and populated where the duration is known.

The audit trail date time of the consultation is carried by the associated consultation list via

The period attribute may be omitted where the effective/clinical date for the consultation on the source system is not recorded (for example, an unknown date and time).


Data type: Duration Optionality: Required Cardinality: 0..1

Specifies the length of the consultation. Should be calculated and populated where an end time for the consultation is known.


Data type: Reference(Location) Optionality: Required Cardinality: 0..*

References an instance of the Location profile that provides more detail on where the consultation/encounter took place - for example, branch surgery.

location.status and location.period are not used.


Data type: Reference(Organization) Optionality: Required Cardinality: 0..1

Reference to the responsible organisation for the consultation/encounter.

Elements not in use

The following elements SHALL NOT be populated.


Data type: BackboneElement


Data type: Coding


Data type: BackboneElement


Data type: CodeableConcept


Data type: Reference(EpisodeOfCare)

The current scope of GP Connect excludes episode of care.


Data type: Reference(ReferralRequest)

The current scope of GP Connect excludes inbound referrals.


Data type: Reference(Appointment)


Data type: CodeableConcept

The reason for the consultation will be associated to the appointment.


Data type: BackboneElement

The diagnosis will be associated to the consultation via the list profile.


Data type: Reference(Account)


Data type: BackboneElement


Data type: Reference(Encounter)